20 Home Office Must Haves To WFH Efficiently and Effectively

If you didn’t have a home office or work-from-home space set up in 2019, I’m willing to bet that you have one now. Millions of Americans were forced to work fully remote in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and global shutdown. 

Thousands of companies shut down their corporate offices or locations, with the exception of essential businesses, to keep employees and customers safe from the deadly virus. The abrupt closing of workplaces around the globe, left workers scrambling to turn their comfy and cozy homes into makeshift workstations. 

Since this upending shift caught people completely off guard, not everyone knew what to buy, invest in, or request from their jobs to effectively work from home. 


When you think of the word “home office”, the image of a nice room with a fancy, sleek glass desk and modern/contemporary decor might come to mind. While having a separate room available for a home office is ideal, not everyone has an extra room or the space available for this. 

And if several people in the home are working remotely, it can seem like every corner in the house is up for grabs. If you’re not sure where to set up your home office shop, here are some ideas for you.


When you’re attending or hosting conference calls, background noise can be a distraction. If there’s any place in your home that is mostly quiet and unoccupied, you can set up your office there. 

Of course, there are some things that are out of your control such as neighbors, babies/young kids, or outside noise. Preface your calls and meetings by letting attendees know that they might hear something in the background so they aren’t caught off guard. 


The last thing you want to be is uncomfortable when you’re trying to complete your tasks and projects. If you have a favorite spot, whether it’s the living room couch or your bed, set up your home office where you feel relaxed and at ease. 

However, make sure the space is functional and practical. If your bed or couch is comfortable but not functional, consider purchasing items on this list to make it operational. 


Is there a space in your home where you thrive the most? If so, you should consider setting up your home office there. While your bedroom may be comfortable, you may not feel productive in there since it’s typically used for relaxing and unwinding. Pick a spot where you’ll be able to give your job 100% of your focus and energy with minimal distraction. 


Of course, you want to work somewhere in your home where you’re comfy, productive, and someplace quiet. But if space is limited, feel free to carve out a spot wherever there’s room to do so. You may even have to convert an occupied space into your work corner if necessary. This may mean decluttering an area or moving some things around. 


When it comes to setting a budget to spend on the equipment, tools, and items necessary to help you succeed in working remotely, the numbers can range from $100 to over $1000 depending on what you need and the store you will be buying them from. 

Also, if you plan on focusing on decor as well as must-haves, that number can be even higher. Start by writing a list of must-haves, then create a separate list for wants (this can be pictures, a paint color, a rug, curtains, and other things). 

Once you do that, start by searching the web and writing down the price of the items. Be sure to check out multiple retailers and stores to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Don’t be afraid to buy used items from a local Goodwill, the Facebook Marketplace, and eBay to save some extra money.


Here’s a complete list of things you need in your home office to function and operate as your best professional self at home. 

1. Fast, reliable internet

Whether you decide to use Comcast, WOW!, AT&T, Sprint or another internet service provider, be sure the speed and/or tier is sufficient to keep you connected throughout the day. 

2. A modern or up-to-date desktop or laptop computer 

If you: 

  • Won’t be using your work laptop or computer

  • Don’t have a personal computer 

  • Haven’t bought a new computer in a while 

Consider investing in a new, quality laptop with the latest version of Windows, a high-resolution camera, and other newer features.

3. Project Management or Task Management Software

Task management and project management may look a little different while working from home. In-person check-ins and updates will now be 100% virtual. To keep you, your team, and your boss on the same page, consider purchasing project management or task management tools such as Trello, Monday, or Asana

4. Conference and Video chat software

Even though you and your team members aren’t in the office together doesn’t mean you can’t see them! Get a video chat subscription-like Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Projects. You can also use it for networking and virtual coffee chats. 

5. Planner / Calendar

Plan and schedule meetings, action items, and deadlines using a digital calendar (Google Calendar, AppleMail Calendar) or a physical planner and notebook. For your digital calendar, be sure to set reminders that nudge you for important things. 

6. Paper Tray

You may think you don’t need this since you’re working from home, but a paper tray can still come in handy. There may be documents you’ll need to print out to keep nearby for reference, tracking, or review. 

7. Power Strip

With all of the new equipment you’ll be hooking up, you might run out of outlets. Buy a powerstrip for everything to remain connected and functioning.

8. Water Bottle 

This one seems simple, but it’s important! Forget refilling a small 10oz or 12oz mug every hour. Buy a 24oz+ water bottle or jug to keep you hydrated throughout the day. 

9. Ring light

Ring lights are great for providing extra light in dark spaces or at night when there’s no sun. Use your ring light during meetings, trainings, and more to make sure people can see you.

10. Webcam 

If the camera on your laptop isn’t the best, buy a separate webcam for crystal clear clarity during video meetings and conferences. 

11. Comfortable Desk Chair With Back Support 

This is one of the most important elements of your office. When buying your chair, be sure to choose one that has good back support, is an appropriate height for your desk and is cushioned to your liking. 

12. Desk 

The number of items you plan to have on your desk and the size of them should determine how big or small your desk is. Also, make sure there’s adequate arm room, too. Your desk should be sturdy and secure once set up or assembled. 

13. Adjustable Laptop Riser

Sitting down all day is such a drag! Buy a desk raiser to complete your tasks while standing up for exercise.


14. Wireless Printer + Scanner + Copier

Invest in a wireless all-in-one printer to print, scan, and copy briefs, docs, statements, records, presentations, contracts, and other important files. 

15. Wires and connectivity tools 

If you plan on hooking up different devices to one another, make sure you have the right cords and connectors to get it done.

16. Desk phone

Don’t rely on your cell phone as your primary form of communication. Consider getting a desk phone to take only work calls. Your calling network should be secure as well.

17. Trash can 

Keep your workspace trash and junk-free with a small wastebasket or trash can.

18. Dry Erase Board

Get a dry erase board to write down your to-do list for the day, upcoming deadlines, and reminders. Don’t forget to get markers, too! 

19. Pens and Highlighters 

Yes, you’ll have Microsoft Word, Google docs, and Digital notes, but you’ll still need pens and highlighters to write or jot things down. 

20. Desk Lamp

Buy a desk lamp for extra light if needed. You should especially have a desk lamp if the space you’re working in is dark and/or has shadows. 


Working from home has its benefits including no longer having a commute, being able to spend more time at more, and spending less money. Furthermore, building, designing, or setting up a home office is a great investment to make in yourself and your career.

Selecting the right items can ensure you still thrive at work while you're away from work, and guarantee you’re set up for success. Feel free to purchase things that are not listed, too. 

The goal is to cultivate a space where you feel productive, comfortable, and capable. You got this!